Biokinetics can be divided into four major fields of expertise. The first field, and possibly what biokinetics is best known for, is Orthopaedic Rehabilitation. This includes rehabilitation of injuries/disorders/painful conditions pertaining to muscles, tendons, ligaments and bony structure. These conditions may originate from traumatic injury, disease or disability.

Orthopaedic rehabilitation also includes correction of biomechanics (mechanics of movement, the way we move, and the incorrect movement patterns that may contribute to injury or pain) as well as postural problems and low muscle tone. Conditions may be acute or chronic in nature – in other words, conditions that have recently developed or conditions that have been present for a long period of time. Basically, orthopaedic rehabilitation includes anything and everything involving the musculo-skeletal system. The second major area of Biokinetic rehabilitation focuses on Chronic Disease and Disabilities. Under this umbrella term several conditions are found. These include:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases - including prevention, control and post-op rehabilitation.
  2. Metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and frailty.
  3. Lung diseases and conditions, including asthma, emphysema and cystic fibrosis.
  4. Orthopaedic diseases and disabilities such as arthritis lower back pain and osteoporosis.
  5. Immune system and blood disorders: Cancer, HIV/AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
  6. Neuromuscular disorders – stroke and brain injury, spinal cord injuries, paraplegia, Parkinsons disease and multiple sclerosis.

The third major area within the scope of Biokinetics is Physical Wellness. Wellness is a concept that is taking off within the corporate environment, with many companies adopting Corporate Wellness programs, facilitating health and wellness amongst their employees.

The last field of biokinetics is High Performance. This area of biokinetics is concerned with athletes interested in enhancing their performance. Biokinetics for high performance involves detailed analyses of the requirements of the sport including analyses of the sport, its physiological and biomechanical requirements as well as the individual and his position relative to the sport. While it is usually used for individuals performing at an elite level, high performance conditioning can be used for anyone who wishes to improve their performance.


  1. Metabolic diseases
    1. Obesity
    2. Diabetes
  2. Cardio-vascular conditions
    1. High Blood Pressure
    2. Post heart attack rehabilitation
    3. Post stroke rehabilitation
    4. Post heart surgery rehabilitation
    5. Pacemakers
    6. Chronic heart failure rehabilitation
    7. Cardiac transplant rehabilitation
  3. Orthopaedic disease and disability
    1. Arthritis
    2. Lower back and neck pain
    3. Osteoporosis
    4. Lower limb amputations
    5. Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
  4. Lung disease
    1. Asthma
    2. Cyctic Fibrosis
    3. Emphysema
    4. COPD
  5. Immunological/Hematological disease
    1. Cancer
    2. HIV/AIDS
    3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    4. Fibromyalgia
    5. Anaemia
    6. Bleeding and clotting disorders
    7. Organ transplants
  6. Neuromuscular disorders
    1. Stroke and Brain injury
    2. Spinal cord disabilities
    3. Paraplegia
    4. Muscular dystrophy
    5. Epilepsy
    6. Multiple Sclerosis
    7. Cerebral Palsy
    8. Parkinson’s disease


  1. The patient is assessed and a full medico legal report is compiled on the injuries sustained in the accident in question.
  2. We comment on the rehabilitation needed and the cost involved for this.
  3. In order for the Attorneys to adequately formulate their claim we also comment on the following:
    1. Total temporary disability
    2. Permanent disability
    3. Future medical expenses
    4. Pain and suffering
    5. Loss of amenities of life
    6. Disfigurement
    7. Loss of earnings incurred
    8. Prospective loss of earnings
    9. Loss of earning capacity